Enormity of Freedom

I woke up the other day, poured some coffee and sat on the front stoop of the cabana.  I was staring blankly at the thick foliage of the green forest before I started my day of weed whacking, chopping and clearing away walking paths thru the thickness.  It was then that it hit me in a way it hadn’t really before.  We made it.  We have achieved our goal of moving to a tropical island.  All of the work, all of the planning and all of the saving has gotten us here.  I felt it as an emotion this time instead of a logical thought.
Free as a bird in the jungle

Thinking about doing something can never actually replace the experience of actually doing it.  It is now that we are here, that we can have the experience.   A new plant requires the brain to look up in our vast memory and see if we have information about it.  New smells, new sights and new people all require the brain to do some work.  Since I have no information about much of anything here, it requires inspection and storage of the new info.  The constant processing of new information reminds us of what it was like to be children again.  With that comes learning, thinking and mistakes.

What is a truly awakening idea, is that everything that we do and think, we are in control of.  If we want to paint a wall, it is because we have the belief that the wall needs to be painted.  If we don’t like the way something is, it is because we have decided for whatever reason, that it shouldn’t be that way.  There are very few actual truths and we have the freedom to decide what to think about almost everything.

Who has left the cage

Having grown up in a public school system that was and is designed to cultivate ‘productive members of society’, that think a certain way and behave in a particular manner and hold similar beliefs, it is a enormous realization that it is actually I that gets to decide most everything.  Now actually doing this is very difficult as most of my beliefs were installed and then that’s just the way it is.  Realizing that if I don’t like something it is simply because I have decided I don’t like it, is becoming a powerful tool.  Can’t I just as easily decide to like it?

Tell me what I said I’d never do
Tell me what I said I’d never say
Read me off a list of the things
I used to not like, but now I think are okay
-Ben Folds Five Lyric

A tropical weed or simple beauty?

This head game became a challenge when thinking about weeds in my lawn back in Colorado.  Dandelions were growing!  Not taking the perspective that they are actually pretty flowers, which they are, but rather choosing to see them as invaders that were disrupting the uniformity of my green lawn.  It became a problem that had to be dealt with!  Even the radio ads were telling me that these weeds needed to be killed with chemical poisons that were available at my local hardware store.  I don’t want to be “that guy” the ad told me “that has all the weeds in his lawn”.

Once I changed my thinking life went a little more smoothly.  They aren’t weeds, they’re flowers.  And as Cassie has pointed out to me, they are actually medicine and food too.  I think this was the beginning of the realization of what actual freedom is.  Apparently advertisers understand this, so they try to get you to believe that you have these ‘problems’ that their product can fix.  It’s kind of a hijacking of ones thoughts. You can still choose to kill the dandelions or you can choose not to. But it is a CHOICE, not a given that they are bad things. They just exist. Whatever opinion of them is not the thing itself. It can be seen in many different ways, if you are open to that kind of freedom of thought.

I almost didn’t write about this subject because having total freedom of choice regarding what to think about, seems so obvious, yet in my day in and day out life I rarely if ever actually employed it.

A lot of people wouldn’t live how we are living.  We live in a small space.  Here on the island we have bugs, rats, and poverty.  We have chosen no A/C or phone (except Google Voice now) or cable TV and yet somehow I am the happiest I’ve been in a long time.  I think this is due to the fact that this is what I have chosen to do and I have the ability to see these things as benefits. This is the enormity of freedom.

No stove, no problem. Grilling outside any time of year!

Some might see rats and bees as bad things, but that means there is food/fruit everywhere.  No A/C might be seen as too hot and uncomfortable, whereas I see it as one less thing to depend on for comfort that will one day break and require larger and larger bills to fuel.  Poverty to me is much easier to fit my life around because that means the cost of living is lower, there aren’t as many expectations to drive nice cars, to have perfect landscaping or to obtain that status job. A small indoor living quarters means a lot of life goes on outdoors instead of in. Perspective.

It has been said that you can change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change.  I am finding this to be true and that is a big part of being free. And the things I look at every day here are just amazing!

Passion Sparkle

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5 thoughts on “Enormity of Freedom

  1. Rick

    I get the same criticism from people here in the states why would you want to give up this wonderful life you have here to live in an area where you have to do so much physical work and put up with so many inconveniences to survive. I think it’s such a gratifying feeling to grow your own food and figure out how to survive and not depend on the system that is pumped into you by an advertisement saying that you need this product or gadget to survive. There are so many things in life we really don’t need but so many people are brainwashed into thinking they do. They are trapped by a society that tells them they need something and don’t relies they have to get up every morning to serve the MAN so they can get that something. The difference is you get up in the morning and serve yourself. You are in a beautiful place enjoy what’s right in front of you. Your FREEDOM & HAPPINESS.

  2. Just me

    I was wondering if you guys ever considered getting a place in the Colorado mountains to have this kind of lifestyle? A little mountain cabin without electric, TV etc. . I know there is a big difference between CO and PR especially weather wise. Just wondering… 🙂 by the way I love this post and the way you think.

  3. Britton

    Rick, I haven’t had a whole lot of people come out and call me crazy, at least not yet. I would think more people would do what we are doing actually. I at one time, got into the fun of buying gadgets and being at the “big release” for new tech items. So it’s not too surprising for me that folks might not want to leave all of that. For me, my priorities changed. Cant’ wait to meet up and have a chat with you!

    Just me, we saw some issues with staying in CO, that didn’t meet our goals. We wanted to be able to live comfortably all year round, outside. Having lived in CO my whole life, it was one of the things in our cycle of seasons that became uncomfortable, was staying inside 8 months out of the year. With a cabin in the mountains, this would have only increased that. Also it cuts the growing season very short. The cost of living in the mountains of CO would have been fairly high in just energy costs during the winter months which is also a consideration. I have a lot of respect for the early settlers in CO, that wouldn’t have been an easy life.

    The next criteria was to move somewhere Spanish speaking. I scaled that back a bit so I would be more comfortable and wanted somewhere predominately Spanish speaking. CO does have a large community of people who speak Spanish, but it’s nothing like having moved to PR.

  4. Rosa

    I am 100% different as what we have is a “vacation home”, and we LOVE all the upgrades and easy living but I do agree with you…I love that when I go to Rincon…the first place I go when I open my eyes is out on the deck…I lay on the hammock…read…eat my breakfast outside…go to the beach..come back eat my lunch outside…either go out to dinner or have dinner at home but out on the deck…it is heaven. In NJ we are between four walls…and winter is worse. Good for you guys that can do it and do it now while you can enjoy it.

  5. Annie

    Nice philosophical and personal commentary, “if you are open to that kind of freedom of thought.”

    Very refreshing to see/hear your joy of discovery of a new landscape, people, culture and experience. We have found people taken aback when we’ve tried new places or activities, except for those who, like you both, have taken the leap towards freedom of experience.

    Glad you are enjoying your coffee on the porch, Britton. You certainly earned your reward!

    P.S. love the bee and bee keeper!


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