Tag Archives: wonderland

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

I woke up today in my warm house while outside it is a chilly 7 degrees.  Thinking about this I realized that it’s completely normal for me.  I live in a place where if you didn’t have shelter, you could quite possibly die.  It’s always amazing to me that people selected this as a place to live.  Sure in the summer it’s nice and warm day and night, but what kind of marketing did they have to use to get us here?

I figured I’d go for a walk and I snapped a few pictures to share.

We Carve Paths thru the Snow and Ice

I suppose for some people that haven’t ever lived or visted a winter wonderland stuff like this would be pretty fascinating.  It will be fun to make Puerto Rican friends that haven’t ever seen snow!

The Frost Clings to Surfaces in the Night

We have a pond in the center of our subdivision.  It’s got a lot of ice over most of it, but this end must be a bit warmer.  I thought the vapor dancing on the surface was cool and took a short video.

It looks like we will have a white Christmas.  This snow is going to stick around for a few days at least!  This is all so normal to me, much like the Rocky Mountains.  Heck we live right up against them and I hardly ever go, I’ve been so many times and it’s so “normal” that I haven’t taken time to blog about them.  This is a reason why Puerto Rico fascinates me, it’s a whole new world.  A world where they don’t bury water lines for fear of freezing pipes and houses aren’t built with pitched roofs to keep the weight of snow from crushing them.  Seems absurd to me.   LOL

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