Tag Archives: White Elephant Party

Of Pigs Feet and Spam

On Saturday my friend Kelly had another White Elephant/Re-wrap your crap party. We don’t have too much crap left after our multiple clean outs and garage sales, but we managed to put together a pretty good gift of random never-opened bathroom essentials inside a fish bowl. It was also the day of the Broncos big loss, so it was nice to have the White Elephant game instead of just football.

The first present we chose was a powdered coffee gift with two fairly decent glasses with it. I thought we had lucked out. Then, of course, as the game is played…our gift was “stolen” by someone else and we had to choose again. This time, we got what had to be the worst present: pigs feet and Spam! Yuck! But it was a pretty funny present.

Kelly LOVES the pigs feet haha :-p

We had a fun night out and then Sunday we prepared for Puerto Rico. We are leaving this week!! Lots to do still, but we are looking forward to going back to the property and getting some work done.

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Let’s Party White Elephant Style

It is still cold and snowy here, but let’s focus on fun! We weren’t sure what to do for New Year’s Eve this year. I have to work during the day until 5pm, so that kind of limited our travel radius some.  When we went over to the boxing fight party the other weekend we decided we should all do something, but we didn’t know what. So, Sandi and I decided that we could just have it here in Greeley, and that our house would be a good location…So…We’re having another party.

Here’s the Invitation


When: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 from 6:30pm until???
What: A White Elephant Party  (AKA Re-wrap your Crap Party  -What is a White Elephant Party, you ask? Well, this means for every person who is participating you should bring a crazy, silly, wrapped present. The sillier the better. Examples include (to get those creative juices flowing); an avocado green blender, a trophy with someone else’s name, a strange painting that you would never hang on your wall, a duck call, plaid pants that are 10 sizes too big, an old Bronco’s helmet lamp, a toilet coin bank, etc etc (BTW, I have seen all of these!)
Where: Our house, Greeley, CO
Contact info: Britton’s cell or home #:
Additional info: Please bring extra drinks or food, if you would like. We will try to have champagne, beer, non-alcoholic drinks and snacks. Also, if you are planning to drink and don’t have a DD, you are more than welcome to crash at our place-please do so, it will probably be a crazy night to be out driving anyway. Please bring a sleeping bag if you are planning to stay. Also, if you have a favorite game (board game, video game, mind games, magic tricks?)bring it as well. But most important of all, bring yourself!
Tentative plans:
7pm-8:30: Hang out, eat, drink, be merry, talk, listen to muzack
 8:30pm-10ish: White Elephant gift exchange
10pm-12: Play games, hang out, eat, drink, be merry, talk, listen to muzack
12am-12:05: Happy New Year 2009-ring in the New Year with friends!
12:05am-?? -Hang out some more, sleep?… lol
Please RSVP to me if you can so we can plan, but if you forget, no prob! Come anyway! And feel free to bring a guest if you want.
For more info, email us:

Also…if you have any extra chairs, that would help. We are low on the seatage.

Then we’ll be Jammin’ like Bob Marley 🙂

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