Tag Archives: Weld Food Bank letter to editor

Greeley Chicken Ordinance Update


A backyard scene a while back

Well it appears things are moving right along with the Greeley chicken ordinance. I didn’t realize it, but apparently this last weekend the Tribune gave their approval of backyard hens with their Op-Ed article. We also received a  Weld County Food Bank Letter of Support for backyard hens. I thought it was a great and thoughtful letter. I have copied the text here so it will be easy to read:

January 04, 2010

Becky Safarik
Greeiey Community Development Director
City of Greeiey

Dear Becky,
I am writing, as a representative of Weld Food Bank, in support of the ordinance to allow Greeley residents to raise backyard hens. Our mission at Weld Food Bank is to engage the community in the fight against hunger, a mission that dovetails with the benefits of residents raising chickens.

In the past year we have seen a substantial increase in the number of people requesting services from our facility. So much so that we are breaking distribution records we never wanted to break. And while we continue to be blessed by the generous donations from members of our community, this current rate of growth is not sustainable. As such, we are always looking to the future for creative new solutions to the ever growing need in our community and we see raising backyard hens as one of those solutions.

Allowing residents to raise chickens will provide additional food security for Greeley residents. It is important that our community has access to nutritious and safe food that helps to promote a healthy lifestyle. Raising hens allows a family to be self-sufficient by guaranteeing a long term food source, resulting in this increased food security. A self reliant resident who raises these hens will be less dependent on other food sources while simultaneously promoting a health conscience environment and promoting local food production.

Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter.

Assistant Director
Weld Food Bank

Britton and I also submitted a letter to the editor of the Greeley Tribune with our opinion of chickens. They wrote back and said they would like to add it as a guest column! I thought that was great!

So, things are moving right along, please help if you would like and join our Facebook page on Greeley Backyard Hens for further updates.

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