Tag Archives: vacant rental houses

Lost in the Chaos

Yep, somewhere between the abandoned rental, the crazy tenants that we released from the contract, scheduling showings, 2x 40+ hours of work including evenings and  weekends, an on-call shift, a broken car, a sick Schnoodle, a hungry cat eating canned tuna, six growing chickens who won’t sleep in the same coop, three wasps nests (and one super swollen stung ear), an overgrown yard and weed infested garden, a fridge devoid of food and laundry two weeks gone from being cleaned…somewhere in there we had an anniversary! Our 6th anniversary to be exact. But we had way too many other things to think about than how incredible those 6 years -or the 5 before that have been.

On our wedding day 6 years ago

I guess we are people who don’t just stand still. Even on our wedding day we were hauling things around and fixing stuff. I was almost late to my own wedding! So it’s only fitting. Last year we were painting a rental house, and this year we were back there again preparing it for new tenants. Lately it’s been a little overwhelming but we keep reminding ourselves that whatever drama we are experiencing is because we wanted whatever it is that is causing it. Remember that! We bring all that we have -better or worse- into our lives. If it gets too much we can always let it go, but until then…we’ll enjoy the chaos.

Things are already looking up. We think we’ve found new tenants for one of the properties and the other one is just about ready to be posted for rent. It’s also important to put our stress into perspective. Last year I was just about to lose my dad. So losing a few weeks rent, working hard, long hours and looking for new tenants is nothing by comparison. Life is about learning lessons and sharing lots of love. I think we’re getting our fair share of both 🙂

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