Tag Archives: Signs of Spring in Greeley

Signs of Spring

Well, there is still about a week left of March, so I hope I’m not jumping the gun or jinxing anything, but the weather has been spectacular these last few days! 80 degrees and sunny. Mild evenings. Everyone is outside in the parks or on their porches enjoying it. It really feels like Puerto Rico! But we have to be careful because March in Colorado is one of the most fickle months. Often one of the snowiest and windiest. But so far this year, March has been so beautiful. And if feels like spring has truly sprung.

Crocus in our yard -first flowers of spring

We’ve filed (and paid!) our taxes. Britton has moved the chicken coop out of the greenhouse and into the yard again (their summer home). We’ve planted a few early seeds like lettuce, spinach, cabbage and the like in the greenhouse and in the garden area. And we’re already seeing lettuce seedling volunteers from last year come in! And of course the tulips. One of my favorite flowers that I will miss in Puerto Rico because they need a cold season to be perennials.

Tulips coming up and volunteer lettuce (upper right)

All of our fruit trees are looking healthy and have little leaf buds ready to burst open (or have!).

These are apricot flowers from our fruit cocktail tree -looks like we might have quite a few apricots!!

It’s amazing how much better we feel in the spring/summer. 80 degree sunny weather is just about perfect. I can see why we have chosen a place in Rincon that stays this temperature year round! When it is like this here in Colorado it erases all those miserable windy, icy, snowbound and dark days. Everything is waking up and is re-energized with life. We are out walking and biking, and we are spending more time with friends and family. It is great!

Another sign of spring: We even were able to balance and stand a few of our chicken eggs upright on the spring solstice! They say you can only do it on the spring solstice, but I have no idea if that’s true or not. In any case, we managed to get a few of our eggs to stay up. Pretty cool.

Balancing and egg to stand upright on the spring solstice -first day of spring


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