Tag Archives: Rolling Stone

Greeley Featured in Rolling Stone Magazine

Greeley was featured in the latest Rolling Stone magazine. It is not very flattering, but unfortunately very true. We are mainly known (outside of Greeley) for the awful smell of the cow feedlots and slaughterhouses and the immigrant raid on those who work there. While this is home to us (we were both born here), it will be nice to move to Puerto Rico and see a different way of life.
The overall article however is about change and the likely possibility of Colorado going from a red state to a blue state and what that would mean in terms of our congressional representatives. It also lays it out in terms of changing from brewing racism to tolerance.

Here is the link and an excerpt:

“Driving down a rainy Colorado highway in October, I can see the misty white outline of the Rockies out one window and the arid brown flatlands of the Great Plains out the other. Overlaying it all is the faint but unmistakable stench of cattle.

In Greeley, as in most of America, those two groups (parties) are defined by their racial attitudes — fault lines that these days are most visible in the battle over immigration. Immigrants comprise the bulk of the workforce at the local meat-processing plant owned by Swift and Co. The plant, which contributes to the town’s heavy cape of death-shit smell, was raided in December 2006 by agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, who arrested 265 workers and drove a deep wedge into the local political scene.”

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