Tag Archives: Puerto Rico odd Christmas card

Some Holiday Cheer -er- Weird

I just happened upon this Christmas card from the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, Jorge Santini, with his family…and a leopard/cheetah eating a gazelle of some type. I thought it was a joke. I mean, Puerto Rico doesn’t even have those types of creatures, and it’s a pretty strange Christmas greeting. Check it out:

After looking into it, I found out that he is apparently trying to promote some sort of Wildlife Museum in San Juan…although others say he is sending a message to his political opponents. I just thought this was the strangest and yet oddly cool Christmas card I have ever seen. If a huge wildcat were devouring its prey right in front of you I don’t think you would smile so calmly and pleasantly. And check out the little girl on the left- she is just the cutest smug thing.

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In this video he explains how it was part of the Museum promotion (although nowhere on the card does it say that) and how so many people have been superimposing themselves on the Internet with the killing scene. He said it is because Boricuas (Puerto Ricans) have limitless imagination. I do have to say that it is one of the most unique holiday greetings and they say that there is no such thing as bad publicity. So kudos to that.

In other odd holiday cheer closer to home (in our home), check out Schnoodle with really long arms. haha

Have a bizarre (and fun) Christmas one and all! 🙂

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