Tag Archives: Kress Theatre

Putting in a Sprinkler System

Britton and my dad worked this whole weekend putting in a sprinkler system at the new rental house.  We made a couple of trips to Big R (the farming and sprinkler store in Greeley). One trip they forgot a bunch of things and sent ME by myself back to pick stuff up! I felt like I was speaking a different language…”uh, I need 12 one inch to 1/2 inch poly threaded elbows and five King Drains” or something like that. I think I did pretty well considering.

I didn’t do much of the manual labor compared to them, but I did help fill in trenches and replace the sod that had been dug up.

 Sprinkler Trenches
Sprinkler Trenches are dug!

Working on the Sprinkler System
Working on the Sprinkler System

Later that Saturday evening I left Britton to relax and play video games while I went out with a friend from work to the Rio  for dinner and some Margs and then we went to the Kress Theatre downtown where they were playing live jazz music.

Oh and another thing we DUG up this weekend was one of the garlic plants! It is gorgeous (for garlic).  🙂

Garlic about 2 minutes fresh from the ground

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