Tag Archives: Happy Holidays

Faith, Hope, and Love

With the holidays upon us, I thought I would take a moment to reflect on three important parts of our lives. While they are all unseen in that they are just concepts, I think they are really what make life worth living.

Faith- I was especially thinking about faith in regards with how we trust one another. Without our faith in people, we wouldn’t be able to live. There is a social contract inherent in every interaction. But especially with the ones closest to you. They also have the ability to crush or hold high your faith in humanity the most. So take care of this trust, and when someone says they have faith in you, believe it, hold it close, and honor it!

I was thinking about how much Britton trusts me, and how much I trust him. When I went to Puerto Rico a couple of years ago and saw the property in Lares, he trusted me completely enough to sign a contract to buy it sight unseen. Now, I have the chance to do the same with this new property in Isabela. Faith is a wonderful thing.

Religious or spiritual faith is also an important element to remember this time of year. And if you think about it, it’s the same type of thing. We trust unfailingly in something that is unseen and untouchable. But yet, this faith can be very important in our lives.

Hope- This last year has been a tough one on the hope front. I felt like I used up every last ounce of hope I had with my dad. It was all I had left. I knew his death was inevitable and approaching quickly, but I couldn’t lose hope. It got me through those tough nights of worry. And even after he was gone, hope for a better world beyond kept me going.  Hope keeps us going. It keeps us positive. Without it is only desperation. And as it should by its nature, my well of hope is replenishing day by day.

Love- …and the greatest of these is love. Think for a moment what your life would be without those closest to you. It would be so gray and colorless -lifeless. Love brings meaning to our lives. Love strongly, consistently and don’t forget the importance you have in others’ lives, especially those you love and who love you. Give love freely. Commit random acts of kindness. Leave the world -or at least your little corner in it- a little better for you having been there.

Happy Holidays to All and to All a Goodnight

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