Tag Archives: Doc Martins

Our First Moving Bag to Puerto Rico

Since Britton is going down to Rincon in a little more than a week for  a short trip to check on the property, get a little work done and help our friend in his search for a Puerto Rican property, we thought we should take advantage of this trip to send some of our stuff with him.

So we went down to the Arc, a local Greeley second hand thrift store, to look for a suitcase that we could fill up and then just leave there AKA our first moving bag to Puerto Rico.

We found this suitcase (now filled and ready for PR) for $1.25!

It was a little hard to decide what to put in the suitcase because, after all, we still need to live here for another 9 or 10 months. But we filled it with stuff that we thought would be handy there and that we could live without here (and that weren’t really that exciting for possible thieves). For instance, our juicer, waffle maker, some glasses, some plates, our fish platter, an extension cord, hammer and screw driver and a few knick knacks.

Britton really just wants to start out fresh down there and buy everything, but I reasoned with him that for everything that we bring and don’t have to replace at retail price we will save a lot of money. One checked $25 bag full of $200 worth of stuff saves us $175 in replacement cost. Plus, shipping 50 lbs of stuff via mail would be a lot more than $25.

So if you see someone sporting this exciting and fashionable 1980s brown luggage with a red racing stripe, you can say ‘hi’ to Britton. ha!

Also, while we were at the Arc he also just happened to spy this pair of Doc Martins, that fit him, for just $8! Awesome deal and he loves them!

Doc Martins
Doc Martins



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