Tag Archives: contract negotiations

Puerto Rico Property Contract Negotiations

Well we have a price pinned down on the property in Puerto Rico. That was part 1. Now we are going back and forth on a closing date. Contract negotiations are sometimes hard to come to an agreement on.

I figured we would come up against a barrier here as I had initally put out a closing date of June 15th. Admittedly that is pretty far out. They’ve come back and said they’d only be willing to go 90 days which puts us in March. By my calculations we might be able to swing April without having to get too creative.

We still need to aquire the assitance of a lawyer to check out all the paperwork and details that Cassie and I don’t have the abilty to look at. This coupled with our jobs as well as getting all our finances in order will mean we have to come back with a date further out.

We say June 15th they say March maybe we can see if they’ll do May. Or we can go back to closer to our initial price that we offered and do it closer to their time frame…the choice is between time or money. Give us more time, we’ll give them more money. Less time, less money.

We also kind of feel like the real estate agent isn’t doing us too many favors. I think we can make this work, but we might have to talk to the owners directly to make something that works for all of us. The agent seems to like being in the position of keeping us in the dark.

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