Tag Archives: Colorado Quarter

Colorado and Puerto Rico State Quarters

2009-Puerto-Rico    Proof-Colorado

We’ve seen quite a few Colorado quarters since we have the Denver Mint right near here, but I recently ran across a Puerto Rico “state” quarter. I was holding it upside down and said to Britton, “Wow, this quarter looks like Puerto Rico”. I had no idea that they had made a quarter for it. I thought the design was pretty cool. The first thing that ran through my mind was, “Is Puerto Rico going to become a state?” since I thought these quarters were only for states.

But apparently, it is also for districts like Washington D.C. and the territories as well, although I haven’t seen any other quarters for territories such as the US Virgin Islands, Guam or any of the other outlying islands but they supposedly exist. If Puerto Rico were to become a state, it would change a lot of things about it. Some for the better and some for the worse.

According to an article on the Puerto Rico quarter it has one of the fewest mintings ever for a quarter which also made it seem extra special and rare.

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