Tag Archives: Chickens in the Greenhouse

Colorado’s First Big Snow of the Season

Well we got a pretty good snow dumped on us last night. I think the latest figures are about 6-8 inches or so. It gets dark at about 4:30pm and the temperature is only about 19 degrees right now. The first snow is always so pretty. The snow seems to sparkle and everything including the sky is white. It was pretty hard to get to work this morning even though I only work about 2 miles from home here in Greeley. Britton thought his drive would be too much so he just worked from home (remote). Here are a few pictures of the day.

A carpet of snow in our backyard

Chickens inside the greenhouse trying to stay warm

Even though I keep my car in the garage at home, my car still was covered in snow and ice when I left work. The ice/snow scraper is a MUST in all cars in Colorado. I would estimate that 90% Coloradans have an ice scraper in their cars at all times even in the summers. The other 10% are probably recent immigrants from California or some other warm place who wouldn’t know any better. The Colorado road conditions were bad. It was really slick out there on the roads today too. I went right through a 3-way stop this morning. Luckily, no other cars were around. Driving in Colorado in the snow/winter is something you must practice, that’s for sure.

Schnoodle loves to stick her nose in the snow and get covered in it.

A shot off our front porch

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