Tag Archives: Aguanile

Salsa Dancing Lessons

We completed our 3rd salsa lesson at the FunPlex in Greeley on Tuesday night. Our final lesson will be next Tuesday, the night before we leave for Puerto Rico. Britton and I are feeling much more comfortable dancing to it, and we laugh through the whole thing. We learned a cute move called “the chase” and we did the fast right turn and the slower left turn that we call the “funky monkey” where Britton gets to do the “snake” with his arm. It’s pretty cool.  So, since we will be frantically packing for Puerto Rico after a long day of work and salsa lessons next Tuesday, we decided to go out to the Rio in Fort Collins for their salsa night last night with Pam and Shana.

Me and Britton (ha-ha)
It was so much fun. We walked in and they were playing Aguanile (LaVoe)! We danced until about 10pm and would have gone longer were it not for having to get up early for work the next day. Some songs were much faster than our lesson songs, but we remembered most of the moves that we were taught. We also did a little merengue and bachata even though we weren’t taught those.  Bachata seems to be pretty simple – a sexy little dance with two steps to one side then lift your hip, two steps to the other and lift your hip. I think we might continue to take lessons, but at the Rio there in Fort Collins instead when we get back from Puerto Rico.

We told our instructor that we were going to the heart of salsa: Puerto Rico and she seemed worried that the real experts might think our style is completely wrong. Well, at least Britton and I have a style that we understand.

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