Second Generation Baby Chicks!

Lately I have been checking on the broody hen more and more because according to my calculations, the 21 day incubation period was coming up quick. One evening when we were gathering the day’s eggs (not the incubated ones), I noticed that the broody leghorn was in the wrong box. This was a bad sign, because the eggs need to be constantly warm and who knows how long she was off the nest.

I looked in the forgotten nest and saw an egg with a dead chick embryo in it. There were ants crawling all over it. I am not sure if it was the ants that made the broody mama leave or what. I was bummed because the embryo in the egg looked just about fully formed with feathers and everything. We weren’t sure what to do with the rest of the nest of eggs since she had been off it for probably around 4-5 hours or so (since we had last checked) and they may no longer be viable but we decided to clean out the dead chick and ants and then put her back on the rest of the eggs and see what happened.

Well, yesterday I checked on her again and I thought I saw a little black fuzz ball and some chirping coming from under the Leghorn. It was hard to tell, so I ran and got Britton to help me check. And look what we found!

Baby chicks 2nd generation

In this video you can see that we just lifted her up and one of the chicks fell from under her wing and then I noticed another one in the corner of the nest.

We are so happy to see this second generation! It is all a big experiment. We have had chickens for a long time, but adding in a rooster and hatching out our own babies is all new to us. I think a few more in the nest will hatch hopefully in the next day or two. We are not sure what to do with these chicks and how involved we will be in the parenting. I think we will add some chick starter feed to the supplemental feed we give all the chickens (they mostly forage), but otherwise we are going to leave it to the mama bird to protect them. We anticipate some losses due to the hawks (and rats), but we are hopeful that with adult birds and roosters around, there will be fewer problems than we had with just a coop full of babies in the first generation.

Mama hen and chicks
So sweet! The mama and her babies

Now the question is: where are all those turkey babies?

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5 thoughts on “Second Generation Baby Chicks!

  1. Linda

    YaY!!! we will come visit in the middle of April. figure you will be well along with the house and maybe a turkey chick or two?

  2. Barbara Schutt

    Adorable! You are now proud parents of your own homegrown chicks 🙂 I’m surprised how mama chicken lets you pick her up and touch her babies. So cute!

  3. Cassie

    Thanks! The leghorn was initially not happy to see us near her and them, but is warming up to us since we bring her a little extra food. It is so cool to see it work. You can tell she is a proud mama too. All those days and nights of sitting patiently paid off. Thankfully we are in a warm climate or those eggs she left for a few hour might not have made it. As of now we are up to 6 hatchlings!


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