Puerto Rico to Colorado- Starting at the End

Where to start? Well, I guess I will start at the end of the Puerto Rico trip and work my way back to the few days that we missed in between. The reason for the lack of posts was that the internet was out at the house we were staying and that was about the only time we would have been able to update because we were so busy those last few days (but at least our server and router were working!).

View from the last house we saw on the trip -near another property we saw

Anyway, back to today and yesterday. We saw one final house in the Rincon area (up the hills) in the morning, but we were really pushing it for time, so we left directly from that showing to San Juan at about 10:30am. I was really not looking forward to coming back. It seemed too short of a trip and we really didn’t make any major decisions like we had hoped (more on that later).

On our way back from Puerto Rico to Colorado, we needed to be in San Juan by around 1pm, so you can see that we were pretty tight on time. The traffic was horrendous in Aguada and Aguadilla but once we got on the 22 (the main toll road/freeway) we went a lot faster.

Somehow once we got to San Juan we got turned around and ended up crossing a big bridge with a lot of US and Puerto Rican flags all over it. We needed to get to the car rental return place and knew we must be in the wrong area. We got to the cashier lady that changes money for the toll road and asked her if we were going the right way. She said, no we had to just turn around and go right back across the bridge to the first exit -oh and pay the toll of $3.00 each way!! So we paid the toll, turned around and paid the toll again.

We finally got to the car rental place and then to the airport, got our boarding passes, through screening and on to our flight. The flight to Chicago was uneventful but long. We had about a 45 minute layover and then our plane was supposed to leave. Well, they loaded us up a little late (about 8:15 instead of 7:50pm CST) and then over the intercom, the pilot says there may be a delay, and then that they were deciding whether or not to cancel the flight all together. They would tell us by 10pm.

Well, I was hungry, so Britton and I left the plane for some grub, and thank goodness we did! They canceled the flight at about 9:45pm because of the snow storm in Colorado. They were too backed up with de-icing so they stopped all incoming planes. Too bad we weren’t stranded in Puerto Rico!! 🙂

Why couldn’t we be stranded here!? This is my favorite picture I took at the beach in Anasco.

They issued partial discounts (about 25%) to area hotels and they rebooked us for a 6am flight back to Denver. That meant that if we went to a hotel, by the time we got there, spent the money (which would have been more than we paid for a whole week of sleeping in PR BTW), got settled, took a shower and so on, that we would only get about 3-4 hours sleep before we would have to come back and go through security all over again in the morning, so we decided to stake out a space at the airport…Ugh!

Let me tell you. I have never had to sleep in an airport, but it is not the most comfortable place to be. The fluorescent lights buzz, the intercom keeps reminding you not to leave your bag unattended or take rides from unauthorized vehicles and it is kind of cold! Luckily we were able to snag a few blankets and pillows from United.

We dozed in and out of “sleep” with a few other of our stranded castaways at Chicago O’Hare airport when suddenly we heard the cleaning lady vrrooom her vacuum between our legs, through the poles of the chairs, clink our seats and weave in between us. The babies started crying and it was altogether a hysterical situation. I just had to laugh and thought this should be on a Saturday Night Live skit.

One cowboy bullrider named Sean who had absolutely no optimism whatsoever kept yelling at her which only made it worse because she spoke no English. When she wouldn’t stop, he went over and unplugged her cord.

A Cool Walkway through Chicago O’Hare -we were like Tom Hanks in The Terminal!

Then some plane cleaners came at about 1:30am and each and every one had to swipe their ID card, beeeep in, then exit out the door toward the plane, slamming it and letting in freezing air as they went. It was a comedy scene. I seriously should write this skit, I just laugh at how ridiculous it was.

In a way it was kind of cool meeting our castaway friends while we were stuck there. It was kind of like a lock-in and we all were commiserating together. Besides, this is where good material comes from, right?

So finally we arrived back in Colorado (thanks Dad for waking up so early and picking us up in the crazy weather) and I immediately called into work to tell them I wasn’t going to be coming in after all and Britton was able to work from home. I took a shower and a little nap, and am feeling much more revived.

More about some Puerto Rico options/decisions and a few more pics and adventures in a post to come. Stay tuned…

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6 thoughts on “Puerto Rico to Colorado- Starting at the End

  1. Jack Davis

    Cassie, I would get up a lot earlier and go a lot farther anytime you and Briton need me. Besides, your epic story brought a lot of laughter to my heart. Love, Dad.

  2. Rosa

    Cassie & Britton – Welcome Home! So glad you made it back safely! Frank and I were so happy you shared some special time with us in Rincon. Hopefully we will share many others!

  3. katrinakruse

    What a rough trip! No power, no water, then flooding,a leaky tire, then trouble getting back…glad you finally made it and can laugh! Sometimes real life is funnier and more interesting than what you can make up.

  4. Annie

    You made the right decision about staying put (or is it putt) in the airport.

    This happening to us once, a Thanksgiving holiday, bad weather in Colorado.
    However, the L.A. airport was almost gracious about the disaster of literally thousands of people sleeping in the United Airlines terminal waiting for a flight to Denver (it’s a major hub). They handed out food, blankets, water and even turned down the lights! The good old days?

    BTW, have you seen the movie “Capitalism” by Micheal Moore? It kind of helps one to understand why the corporations don’t give a dam about the 95% of us not in the elite, including all their customers.

    Happy that you got home, and that you have beautiful memories of the stunning P.R. coast. Paradise a plane ride away…

    1. Britton

      Thanks everyone. It was certainly an adventure the whole trip!

      The night at the airport actually turned out to be kind of fun. It is now like a ‘side story’ in the big adventure. I mean heck, you remember your Thanksgiving that year because of a similar situation!

      We did watch “capitalism”. It was interesting and does help to show why things work (or don’t) the way they do.

  5. JimmyWhales

    You didn’t miss anything up in Denver. I got stuck at the denver airport hotel, so it could have been worse. Cheers.


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