Manifesting Our Life -in Puerto Rico

Today we saw a few properties that were at the top of our list to see. They were pretty much as we had imagined based on the descriptions and photos, but you always get a different feel for something when you actually visit it. It is like a place has a certain vibe or something. We liked the one that we could make into a guesthouse type of place, but we have been doing a lot of soul searching as of late about what exactly we want to manifest in our lives. We seem to gradually get closer and closer to an ideal of some sort, but because it is so fuzzy in our minds, it’s hard to make out. Today (it may change tomorrow) we are leaning toward something a little smaller.

These are the kinds of questions we have been asking ourselves. For instance, do we even want to start a business? Do we just want to lounge around in hammocks all day? Do we want to grow and sell fruit, eggs, and other farm products? Do we want to travel? What will we do for work/money? All of these are factors  in the realm of possibility for us. All we have to do is pull the trigger to set into motion a whole new world. We need to have enough income to do so, and we need to have something meaningful to do with our lives. When you get down to the basics of life, that’s really what it comes down to. We will create our reality one way or another.

It is interesting because in Greeley, usually you can buy a property for less than you can rent it, but here in Puerto Rico, it is opposite. So, that begs the question of whether or not it would be smart for us to just rent for a while? Then we could travel the world or go back and forth or do whatever. Well, I told Britton that I am kind of a home base type person, even though I love traveling. I like to have a “home” I call mine and I am not used to renting (but that’s not to say I necessarily wouldn’t also). 

I think we are really blessed because most people never really think about manifesting their lives; they get what they are given and try to make the best of it. And to some extent we do that as well. But really what we have been given is an opportunity to take our life in any type of direction we want. Sometimes having so many choices can actually be harder than being limited (you know, the kid in the candy store scenario).

Today we seem to have come to some sort of plan that we are both pretty happy with, but we still have a little bit more time here before we make it official, or even to see if all the stars align from other people’s perspectives. So all we can say is row, row, row your boat…steer it the best you can…because you never know where life will take you, and it’s not all in your hands.  

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1 thought on “Manifesting Our Life -in Puerto Rico

  1. Annie

    “We will create our reality one way or another” Amen to that!

    Larry says regarding renting”they should do that” as it an upside down market, and the need to be very picky and cautious takes time and education. You are right, the tenants are getting a deal AND it is possible, maybe likely the market may move….down. Economic conditions in the U.S. probably will dip after the November elections, but things are relatively strong for now due to the “stimulus” (even with unemployment and all).

    Your friends in P.R. probably have good ideas for you. Have fun and keep blogging for us Rocky Mountain folks just seeing the first green grass! Larry went golfing today and did fine after a 3 month layoff. The skiing and racquetball all winter must be cross training or something.


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