Fear, Excitement and the Unknown

We have been looking at all kinds of property listings and trying to imagine living at them. Its tough because pictures just don’t do anything justice. When I find a listing that I know we could afford and try to picture myself moving and living there….I get some mixed feelings. The only way I can describe it is that this is “life”. I am feeling life. I am not used to that.

I have spent most of my working life (10yrs) in front of a computer screen. I think it has screwed with my emotions/perceptions quite a bit. I’ve lived a comfortable life. When I think about moving to Puerto Rico I have no clue what so ever what it will be like and I am not used to that. Its exciting!

I am used to knowing what the weather will be, how long my drive will take, what my day will consist of, what I will eat for lunch/dinner, what time I’ll go to bed and what time it will all start again the next day. It must be what my dog’s life is like in some ways.

I got some pictures of a property that is for sale, here is one of them:

Sleeping off the side of a cliff scares the living crap out of me when I think about it. LoL It seems that a lot of places are built like this in PR. Something about it seems unsettling in my mind. I want to go inside and jump around to make sure its sturdy! A friend of mine brought this up to me when I sent him the picture. He lives the same life for the most part that I do so maybe we are just fraidy cats?

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7 thoughts on “Fear, Excitement and the Unknown

  1. Wil

    That is exactly what I say too, “not over a cliff.”

    Just because others do it…..you don’t need to. One must consider mud slides in the rainy season, or even mild earthquakes.

    I over-think everything but it’s paid off in the long run. Use your 6th sense, your natural ‘animal’ sense, if that sense says beware then take note.

    We have a 4BR perfect American colonial house, and the transition will be impactful, but I want to leave the thing/stuff/mentality behind.

  2. Annie

    You may find these comments from T. Harv Eker’s book, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” useful —

    “How wealthy people think: …rich people understand that it’s not necessary to try to get rid of fear in order to succeed. They act in spite of fear, while poor people let fear stop them. Successful people have fears too, they just don’t let those fears hold them back.

    ” Poor people believe, “life happens to me.”.. rich people believe they’re the one’s in the driver’s seat.

    It doesn’t matter what others think, or what the economy is doing or what the boss is doing, or the stock market. You decide what your life will be or not be. It’s pretty simple. Just takes energy and courage, which can be hard.

  3. Britton Post author

    Hey, Wil! Yeah, my 6th sense tells me that I could one day go down the hill in a huge concrete box. Not my ideal situation.

    bak: LOL @ the flat roof comment. Good point! Although there is no snow in PR which might make the difference…not sure on that.

    Annie, I think that Cassie and I are on to that mode of thinking and are starting to see that we truly are in the drivers seat. We want to take the controls and see what it is like to really fly. This trip hopefully will set us up to do that in our own way. I am definitely getting into it.

  4. katrinakruse

    Go into a bunch of houses and you will rapidly figure stuff out. We originally looked in Paguera/Boqueron (flat areas) and figured out the heat bug situation. Many of the houses here are shoeboxes but not all – look for good air circulation. If a house has been there a while it probably isn’t sliding anywhere. Sound travels really weirdly throughout the hills – things are noisy! If you are looking for being close to work though you really need to consider Aguada/Aguadilla/Moca/San Sebastian (the only west side possibilities for tech stuff). Anyway, stop by…katrina

  5. Ivan

    My familiy has a property on sale for about $80K in Moca. I has about 4 cuerdas next to a river, good for agriculture. If interested let me know, I can give you the Googlemap coordinates, and you can check it out.


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