Sink or Swim Style

This week I have been setting up a training program at work.  I had to get a QA (quality assurance) environment up and running using the manual (RTFM).  I got it going which is good.  Now I have a list of people that need logins to access.  Once that is done I can learn about the very thing I just setup.  How odd is that?  Shouldn’t I take the training first?

I’ve learned that the way I thrive the best is ‘sink or swim’.  It is a very painful way to learn, but its how I do it.  Its how I learned to use computers, its how I learned to drive, frame basements, plumb, put in sprinklers, program computers, play guitar, and play video games.  If I am under pressure to do something I can do it.  There hasn’t been anything in life I haven’t been able to learn.  This relates to the post about risks.  I will do whatever it takes to succeed.   Heck just the other night I rode a girls bike home in the pouring rain to ‘make it work’ for everyone.  And you know what?  It turned out to be a super cool night.

Here is a song that relates to what I am talking about.  The style may not suit everyone at first; but I think the meaning and the energy matches perfectly. Tool – Aenima (right click and save as, unless you are easily offended…Seriously).   Its odd that I think this will ‘scare’ some people away due to its intensity.  It might.  But that is what I feel before I attempt something I am unfamiliar with.  I go all out.  And when you look at the lyrics to the song, it is all about being able to do for yourself and not on the system and some false idol.  Still,  Cassie will not approve 😉

Fret for your figure and
Fret for your latte and
Fret for your hairpiece and
Fret for your lawsuit and
Fret for your prozac and
Fret for your pilot and
Fret for your contract and
Fret for your car.

Learn to swim.

I am not  depressed or anything, don’t take it to heart.  How else does a person get the energy to shovel by hand 10 tons of rock? These songs give me the energy to!


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3 thoughts on “Sink or Swim Style

  1. TNK

    Gesh.. we are SOOOO complete opposites. I can work MUCH better under pressure than I can if someone just drops something in my lap.

    I can’t stand just doing something without extensive research first. Like my stupid car window. I actually have diagrams and a list of tools that I will need to complete the task. I have my part numbers too. I have also watched several youtube videos on how to change the window motors on cars.

    I know I can do it, but.. what a pain in the butt. My victory will be from knowing I didn’t pay the garage $500 but instead spent $50.

    The yard is looking nice, what are you going to do with all the rock? Backyard?

  2. LifeTransPlanet

    Well I have a good plan in place, now its time to do all the labor. The rocks will be the border of the backyard. I am making the grass area very small back there. There is a garden (which is larger than the grass area) and I put a sprinkler zone there too.

    Haven’t attacked that window yet huh? I think once you get in there and see how its put together it will be a snap, but I do like to research everything before I start. Its why the internet is so valuable. We have access to just about anything!

    I guess I should have put “sink or swim with google’s help” lol.


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