Monthly Archives: April 2009

Shipload of Coffee from Puerto Rico and Colombia

The other day we came home to a pretty big package at our doorstep. When we opened it we were pleasantly surprised to see that Diosdado, the man we had met in Puerto Rico, had sent us a BUNCH of coffee and other things like chocolate and he even made us picture with frame that he took of us when we was showing us around Puerto Rico.

I put it all on the kitchen table and was amazed at how much stuff there was! He is such a nice man, I can’t believe how lucky we were to have sat next to him on our flight from Miami to Puerto Rico. He recently went on a trip to Colombia and so packed a bunch of Colombian coffee as well. Britton and I don’t usually drink coffee at home. I think Britton drinks it at work, but I only drink it if someone offers it to me, so pretty rarely really. So this shipload of coffee from Colombia and Puerto Rico will probably last us a good long time.


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New Frontier Bank Closes in Greeley

Well we saw something you don’t see everyday.  The reason for the FDIC.  It took over as New Frontier Bank closes in Greeley (in Longmont and Windsor as well).
NewFrontier Bank
News Crews out Front

We do have an account there and a CD.  So we have some concern, but the FDIC had a spokesman out front today to assure customers that their money is safe.  It’s interesting that the spokesman they hired was a HUGE guy.  The guy was 7 feet of nicely prepared suit.  I started to think about why they had such a huge figure representing the FDIC?  Of course!  They want to appear as big and strong as they can.  Makes sense.  Rest assured citizen, your money is safe.

You can see the huge FDIC dude on the right.

We drove by late last night on our way to get some pizza and knew something was up.  All the lights were on and there were a TON of cars around the parking lot.  This was about 10pm on a Friday night.  We also knew someone who worked pretty high up there and we were aware that this may happen but you never really expect it.

600 meeelion dollars

Turns out around $600 million dollars will be used to cover the losses of the bank.  That’s taxpayer money.

We needed to drop off some checks and other odds and ends at the bank this weekend and had planned on going to New Frontier. We ended up going to another bank as a result of it closing. We had some coin change to turn in which was an interesting journey in itself.  Their coin machine got jammed and they had to take it all apart while we stood and watched.  There was at one point 3 employees working on the change

Anyway, as far as New Frontier, and actually the  entire U.S. banking and financial system, we are witnessing history.  We knew a lot of customers and employees.  Family and friends banked there so its weird to see it make national news.  Something in our small backyard. Are these the Great Depression type stories we will tell our grandchildren?

The Interesting times we live in
Right click to save as MP3

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Random Life Updates

Life is busy as ever. We have a few random things we’ve had going on in our life and around the house. The chicks are getting big fast. It’s amazing how quickly they start replacing the fuzz and start getting feathers. First the baby feathers come in at the wings (1-2 days old), then the little tail feathers start shooting out (day 3-4) and now (almost one week) the wing feathers are fully in and they are developing back feathers. We can also start to see their little necks and they are testing out those wings by flapping them around.

I think they are going to be out-growing the beer box that has been the de facto chick house soon. We are also starting to learn their little personalities. For instance, the Rhode Island Red is very loveable and just wants to be held all the time. The New Hampshire one tolerates being held, but peeps so loudly that it sounds like a whistle and the Ameraraucana is full of energy and  runs and flaps whenever we try to pick her up now.

Won’t be able to do this much longer!

Also, work has been going pretty good or the usual for both Britton and me. But we are also ready to be able to live in Puerto Rico -or wherever we want to live- without the traditional “office job”. One of the ways we hope to do that is by renting out our house and another house we are buying, but we realized that might not be enough. So, we have put an offer in on another rental property. It looks like it will probably go through which means more work for us this summer. Britton is nearly finished framing the rest of the basement in Evans so…another big project right around the corner! Fun, fun!

We also got a new roommate for the basement bedroom. He’s an nice older gentleman and seems to mainly work and keep to himself. He is from Minnesota but came to Greeley to buy the Culver’s in south Greeley.  We’ve had quite an array of people live with us now: a Japanese student, a German student, a volunteer fire fighter and Aims student, a city of Greeley municipal attorney and now a Culver’s Franchisee. Like I said, life is fun.

Oh, and I found a cool website that I just ran into while searching for info about chickens online. It’s about a couple who move to Hawaii to start an organic, free range egg and tea farm. Now that lifestyle is right up my alley.

Orchids in bloom on our kitchen table

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