Bikram Hot Yoga in Greeley Colorado

The chicks weren’t the only things hot this weekend. Shana invited me to go to a Bikram Yoga class in Greeley. Bikram Yoga is also known as “hot yoga” because they crank up the temperature to over 100 degrees F. I think it was somewhere around 107 F when we were there.  It was the first time I had ever taken a yoga class, let alone a hot yoga class. I have done yoga videos and know a few moves that I use in my aerobics class that I teach, but I’ve never done it with a group of 15 or 20 people in steaming heat before.

Shana told told me to bring a large towel and a small towel, a water bottle filled with ice and water, and a yoga mat. My yoga mat had been used as a floor mat in the laundry room, so I had to clean it. Even so, I think my yoga mat was the only one in the room with paint droplets on it from when we finished the basment.  She also encouraged me to wear shorts and a t-shirt or tank top because we’d be sweating.

When we got to the bikram yoga studio, I had to sign up as a first time member and paid $20 for a week pass. The woman at the front desk turned out to be our instructor for the class. I went into the change room as Shana found us a spot in the room. I was a bit chilled from the cold Colorado weather we had this weekend (blizzard-like weather on Saturday, thanks for the head’s up Annie!) so I was excited to get into the room and warm up.

When I entered, I was hit with the dry heat. My hands and bare feet were still a little cold from the 30 degree weather outside, so I just laid on the towel we placed over the mat for a bit until the instructor came in. She sat at the front of the mirrored room and gave us rapid instructions for yoga poses that I hadn’t heard of.

To see all the moves I did, check out this poster

Standing, balancing and flexing, I began to sweat. A few swift movements up and down and I became dizzy because of the heat and had to pause. I didn’t do very well on the balance moves either where I had to hold my leg in the air because my hands and legs were so slippery from the sweat running off of them. And I certainly shouldn’t have put lotion on as that made them even more slick.  Since I was near the window in the room at one point I nearly fell into it as I was doing the “standing head to knee” and rattled the window blinds trying to find my balance. Everyone in the quiet room laughed including me.

About half-way through the class we went to the ground. It was amazing how much cooler it was about 5 feet lower.  I was able to extend backward and arch my stomach up pretty far and the instructor said that most beginners couldn’t do that (the Fixed Firm down and the Camel). In fact, many experienced people in the room including Shana couldn’t.

By the end of the class I was certainly sweaty, but was beginning to become accustomed to the heat. I felt limber and light as I closed my eyes and laid there for a while. Since I have the week pass, I think Shana and I are going again tonight. I think I’ve found another warm spot to get out of the cold of winter that’s a little closer than Puerto Rico for now.

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7 thoughts on “Bikram Hot Yoga in Greeley Colorado

  1. Annie

    You go girl!!
    Yoga is the best for overall health, happiness, peace of mind and so much more.
    At almost 60 I work out almost every day in the studio downstairs, and am now working on handstands away from the wall, deep forward bends and full backbends. My teacher is in Santa Barbara (check him out at:

    but I manage to keep up with his advance Iyengar class with home practice.
    Our family is blessed with amazing physical strength and flexibility. I am happy you inherited this gene (have grandma show you a seated forward fold some time). And keep up the good work!!

  2. Britton

    I think this might be the best quote from a comment yet “have grandma show you a seated forward fold some time)”, thats cool! We will have to ask grandma.

  3. Cassie Post author

    Summer- I checked out your site! Looks good. You need to put up a little more content and information on the first page. Is Zelda your favorite game? Tell your mom and Dawson hi.

    Annie- Thanks! It was fun and I love the flexibility, strength and balance part of it. Have you ever done Hot Yoga before? Now I want to see Grandma in a yoga position too! 🙂

  4. Annie

    Hi Cassie —
    Yes, I like Bikram yoga a lot. It is authentic (designed and supervised by India trained people) and rigorous and works. I have done Bikram in Colorado and Washington D.C. when on vacations there. We don’t have a studio here but if we did, I’d go at least once a week just for the detox part of it (the sweating and the twists clean out the lymphatic system).

    After trying many types of yoga (Ashtanga for several years, Kundalini, Yin, Mindfulness, and Anusara), the classes by teachers trained by BKS Iyengar of India appeal to me most, for the safety, organization and challenge of it, as well as Mr. Iyengar’s excellent emphasis on the mind -body – breath – lifestyle integration. He is not trendy. His books are almost all classics. My favorites are Light on Yoga (asana, or postures from soup to nuts) and Light on Life, a thorough discussion of yoga philosophy and life. Still practicing in his 90’s he is an inspiration to people of all ages, after overcoming a lifetime of diseases ranging from malnutrition to tuberculosis.

    When I was teaching yoga at the U I did a little yoga with Grandma. She was exceptionally limber in her late 70’s and seemed to experience no discomfort in any stretching postures. Most older folk have a considerable amount of inflammation, which causes swollen joints, arthritis and crippling joint and back injury. I hope I am as lucky to be moving like that at 83! Happy Birthday Grandma (next Wednesday).

  5. James Sorensen

    Bikram yoga has changed my life. I’m 58, how I wish I had started this earlier. I recently rode on bicycle the South dam of horsetooth, I stomped it . Unbelievable…..I attribute it to Karl and Bridgette and Bikram yoga. I have move endurance and power thanks to Bikram yoga. Thanks, you’ve showed me what I can really do.


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