Tag Archives: wordpress redesign

LifeTransplanet’s New Look

We have been thinking about updating the site’s look for a while.  I wanted to get everything perfect, then roll it out but I found out that if I did that, it wasn’t going to get done.   I think they call that “letting great get in the way of good” or “don’t let perfect get in the way of great”… Something like that.

Instead we decided to take a different approach.  The “just start doing it and it will get done” approach. 

I don’t know of any project I have ever done that didn’t work with this “just start doing it” method.  It is kind of fun because that’s how our Puerto Rico adventure is going to work or is working I suppose.  At some point after looking at house after house and not coming up with something, we found a place that had the “bones” and basic idea that we could work with.  We decided then and there that we were going to get started.  Since then it has been planning, but we are nearing the part where we get to really start tinkering and building.

The new look will have larger photos, different headers to rotate thru, a new dropdown menu at the top and a new look that integrates with our facebook page.  We are using a newer wordpress theme that is much easier to modify codewise. Otherwise, it should have all the same features you have come to expect.

So the redesign of the site will be an evolution.  When an idea comes up, and the energy to implement said idea coincides, it will be done.  Please let us know if something doesn’t work right by leaving a comment on our facebook page or leave a reply on the post.  Either way should work.

Old Site
Old Site

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