Monthly Archives: March 2014

Myths About Financial Independence

We recently read an article entitled What 30-Year-Old Retirees Can Teach The Rest Of Us. It was about the trend of young people who retire in their early 30s. We were really happy to see that there is some traction and national attention in this movement that they called “Early Retirement Extreme” or just simply Financial Independence.

At the waterfall

What we were surprised about, however, were how many of the comments about the article were so negative or just simply dismissive: that they were not REALLY retired, were given money or had a wealthy family, or they were so frugal that they couldn’t enjoy life.

Here are a few actual comments we read on Facebook about the article.

Basically be a hermit and don’t experience any culture all for the sake of not working? Um, no thanks. In other words. Rich people!
It’s easy for a miser to become rich, but what’s the point
Cut back on expenses, and live a boring life. Don’t travel, never splurge on expensive dinners, etc, just for the hell of it…
What a joke… Whoever wrote this needs to start living. Life is too short to live like a hermit. 
Lemme guess, had old money given to him, an inheritance, or an affluenza suffering family, right? THERE IS NO WAY 99% of us could retire by 30, only the top 1%.
So…you get to “retire” at 33, but your lifestyle has to remain frugal. Forever. I think I’d rather keep working.
What a load of garbage. They better not be burdening the welfare system.
Who wants to be the wealthiest man/ woman in the cemetery? Enjoy life! I want to work and feel like I contribute to society than just simply take up space and consume.
Find something you love to do and never work a day in your life!
That sometimes you can get really, really lucky?
This seems really hard especially if you have kids. Definitely not a “everyone” circumstance.

And so on…
The reason this stood out to us was because it was like being a fly on the wall and hearing what people probably say about us which would be very interesting!

It doesn’t matter, really, what people think of us or our lifestyle but it was definitely eye-opening to see the assumptions that people have about retiring early.

Most of the comments are just sour grapes, but some seemed to warrant a response about these assumptions even if it is just for our own discussion. So here’s my take on retiring early/financial independence.

Myth: You must have won the lottery/inheritance/born wealthy, etc.

In actuality: You don’t have to have money given to you or be wealthy to retire early. You just need to have enough to cover your expenses. When you realize that you don’t need anywhere near what the high consumption marketers try and tell you that you “need” you will be able to save a lot more and put your saved money into investments that actually bring you money instead of cost you money! This is a hard concept in a consumer focused society, but you can turn it around.

Britton and I were both born to working class families. I even paid for my college education without taking any loans or having my parents pay for it (a bachelor’s and 2 master’s degrees and a foreign exchange in Mexico). We did start fairly young and we were both on the same page for our goal (in our case to retire in our early 30s and move to a tropical island) which is extremely important.

Myth: You must be a hermit and not do anything fun or cultural/diverse/splurge

In actuality
: I think being frugal actually opens you up to more creative expressions of leisure time and you look for activities that aren’t entirely focused around money. Your imagination is your only limitation. Maybe you want to jam out music with friends or watch a surf competition or make art or have bonfire dinners or swim in the ocean! All of these are a part of our new “retired” life. If all you can think of to spend your life is only based around money, that seems much more contrived and frankly, sadder to me.

Also, consider that if you have a full-time job, you spend at least 8 hours of your life, 5 days out of 7, in a hermit-like state where you cannot come and go as you please and are surrounded by other people who do and think pretty much the same as you in the same confined perimeters as you. And then when you are finished with work, you may go out and find some (usually costly) other leisure activities, but you don’t have much time to really get into anything because you also have all the normal chores of life to do.

For us being financially independent we have really come OUT of our shell and met many, many diverse and interesting people we never would have had the opportunity to meet before. And we CAN splurge ever so often and it will not negatively affect us as it does with people who live on the edge -paycheck to paycheck.

Myth: If you’re doing something, you’re not retired.

In actuality: This one is a little harder to answer because it comes down to a definition of retirement. I don’t really consider us retired because I imagine old people playing shuffleboard and sitting in wheelchairs and here we are sawing down trees, playing with chickens and remodeling our house. So we stay busy, but at any point we can just stop what we are doing and do something different or travel or even up and move if we felt like it.


I think that is why we call it financial independence (or the Spanish word jubilación) rather than retirement. If Britton or I chose to work a traditional job at this point in our life it would be because we really wanted to. The paycheck would only be a cherry on top, but not the main point of the job like it is for most people. That’s the key difference I think: working because you want to versus because you have to.

Myth: You can retire early only if you don’t have kids.

In actuality: We don’t have kids, but if we did we would still be “retired”. I have no doubt. Most Americans and industrialized people spend SOO much on children (and themselves) it is ridiculous. I recently saw a statistic that the average American child uses as many resources as 13-35 (or more!) children in developing countries. So imagine for every child that is being raised in this way you actually have 13 of them. That would make having 3 children like having 39+ in other parts of the world and having 5 or more would be so outrageously expensive and oppressive you would feel trapped! So I can see why people who are in this hyper-consumption mindset would say this!

But the truth of the matter is that it is simply not necessary to buy kids every single new gadget and gizmo or sign them up for every expensive activity imaginable and in fact by doing so you are training them to be the same corporate consumers in the next generation of rat racers that you were.

Myth: To retire early you must be on welfare.

In actuality: This was a surprising one! I think most people who retire early are pretty proud of the fact that they are indeed “financially independent” which means not dependent on any corporate or government system for their financial resources.

Of course as human beings on this earth we are ultimately all connected and dependent on and receive our own life through each other, this planet and this grand universe whether it is air, sunshine, water, food -plants and animals, minerals, shelter, family, friends, experiences. We shouldn’t skim over that lightly. At some point we must realize that we are indeed all in this together and must try and help each other out and give back where we take whenever we can.

Myth: If you retire early you are not contributing to society or finding your calling.

In actuality: This will depend again on definitions. To me, if you are living on this earth, you are contributing to it (for better or worse). Most of the people I know who are financially independent are making very positive impacts in their communities and in their personal activities.

Now, certainly if you have a calling and in order to do that calling you must work in a structured work environment, you should do that! But wouldn’t you like to be independent enough that if something else calls to you, you could do it?

I guess I would challenge people with this question: if you were receiving a paycheck but didn’t have to go to work, would you? And if so, would you work the same hours/schedule? If not, maybe financial independence might be a good goal for you.

Myth: This is not possible for the vast majority of us.

In actuality: Why? You must ask yourself that. Why have you put limitations on yourself? Sure you have to develop some good budget habits and probably change the way you think about money, but all of this is possible. For instance, you may think spending money=happiness or spending money=adventure or spending money=security or spending money=retail therapy or you think you don’t have or make “enough” any number of things but until you realize that money is simply a game (generally tipped against your favor) you are letting it have too much power over you.

For most people who make money by working, money (wages) represents your life energy. You can harness this energy, this power to work for you! In order to “game the game” you have to flip it around and instead of always being the consumer you need to balance it and also be the producer (save or create money) in equal measure.

That usually means consuming (spending) dramatically less and also producing money from your investments. It could also mean using informal social and local economies instead of mass markets.

Myth: It must be awful living as a frugal miser

In actuality: I don’t consider ourselves frugal misers. If we want or need to buy something, we do.

What we realize is that whatever we purchase is making a statement and impact on our lifestyle and that we should choose carefully what we bring into it. We are mindful about our money, not miserly. And actually, we don’t have all the internal strife it seems a lot of people do about money or paying bills or owing people.

All of our bills are always paid on time. We have no credit card debt. We have no car debt. We have no college debt. Most of our houses are paid off and the ones that aren’t are not liabilities- they are income-producing assets. We owe nothing and we can buy or do just about anything we put our hearts and minds on. We live with less “stuff” in rich abundance without money worries. Just awful ;-)!

Now, by no means am I saying that our lifestyle is a one-size fits all type of thing. I love the diversity of people and the lifestyles they create. Especially when people are in love with their life and what they do. What I am saying, however, is that if financial independence (or anything else) is something you are remotely drawn to, don’t just dismiss it as unachievable. It is totally achievable if you set out the right intentions and priorities and act on them. You are more powerful than you ever imagined!

Tree pose yoga on beach

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A Tuesday in Our Puerto Rico Life

Today was a fairly normal Tuesday, if there is any such thing as normal yet.

We awoke around 8:30-9am, had some yummy Puerto Rican coffee and bananas and then checked on the chickens in the coop and gave them some watermelon and cantaloupe rinds. We watered the trees including about 10 more that we planted after clearing and finally being able to mow in that area.

New trees cabana and coop
New trees we planted after mowing the area

Britton wanted to clear more of the other slope in the yard with the lawn mower and proceeded to do so. Unfortunately he hit a huge rock (as well as a lot of random things such as glass bottles and padlocks) that had been apparently thrown out into the yard years ago by the previous owner and had over time become buried under leaves and trees and whatnot.

Blades already
Our week-old mower blade below and the new one above

So we had our goal for the day: to find a new blade for the (new) mower. We stopped at Rubely’s which is the closest little hardware store on our side of Rincon and where Britton gets to practice his Spanish. He always asks me what the word for whatever it is that he is looking for before going in to the store. In this case he asked me what “blade” was. I said “cuchilla” which he always gets mixed up with cochina (meaning pig or slang for dirty pig) so we laughed and repeated the correct word a couple of times. The guy at Rubely took one look at the blade and I could heard him say “piedra!” which Britton didn’t understand and he looked back at me in the truck and I yelled back “rock!” and we all laughed. Yep a big rock must have bent that blade!

But unfortunately Rubely didn’t have the right sized blade. So we went to another store and finally found it at Rincon Rental. By then we were getting pretty hungry so we went to our newest quick-food restaurant find: Pizza Land near the Plaza. We took our Strombolis and a few beers and went down to the public beach and enjoyed our lunch while watching the kite surfers in the wind.

Britton Pizza and Beach
Pizza and beer at the beach!

This is the same beach platform that I have been doing my morning yoga classes and so I took the opportunity to practice a few poses as well.

Tree pose yoga on beach
Tree pose watching the kite surfers

Later this evening we will let the chickens roam around in the yard while we are on guard for any hawks and we water the new transplants and gardens again. The chickens will then slowly load back up into the coop as the darkness descends and we will also load back up into the cabana and watch a few shows on the computer since poker night is cancelled this week for Britton. Overall, our Tuesdays have never been better and will never be the same again. And when I reflect on this day I acknowledge that I am perfectly happy with that.

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Spring Update at La Finca

We figured it might be a good time to post some updates on the progress we have made on various projects that we’ve written about.  Looking back it becomes apparent that we have made quite a bit of progress!

Gateway now
Overgrown -Shortly after we moved here

Cut Way Back -Now

There are quite a few royal palms, mango and almond trees hidden in the background that we are still working to uncover.  Huge beautiful trees that are simply buried by all the growth.  Below is a picture of a small royal we finally got to after taking down countless other trees that sprung up over the years.

Small Royal Palm

The area that is over grown is super cool to walk around because you get inside the jungle and under the canopy.  We aren’t going to continue cutting down too much further except to expose some of these hidden gems.  We want to keep the forest in tact as much as possible and make pathways thru it, plus some plants and trees we want to grow thrive on the shade.  The turkeys will like it there too.

Jungle Path
Path Into the Forest

Shaded Area

Turn the sound up to hear all the birds/sounds!

The gardens we have planted all seem to be doing pretty good.  The lettuce is doing well and we’ve been able to start eating it.  The giant pumpkins we planted are flowering and growing all over the place.  The amaranth is just now starting to take off and the corn seems to like it here.  Pretty much everything is growing that we have tried.



Pop Corn

Romaine Lettuce

Pumpkin Flower
Pumpkin Flower

Lime Tree
Limes on our New Tree

Jobo Blossoms
Jobo Blossoms


We also finished up the coop and moved all the chickens into it.  They have lots of room.  Cassie and I also decided to build a porch on the front so we can sit down after working in the yard.  It is nice to have somewhere flat and shaded to park some chairs.  We’ve gone full hillbilly.  I just need a banjo.

Coop Front
Porch on the coop

Coop Side
Side view

Almost all of the chickens are doing good.  I say almost because there was one incident where our little friend Mohawk got taken by…A hawk.  Maybe we should have named her “Lesshawk”? Polish hens are well known as being ‘hawk bait’ because they have poor eyesight especially from above.

We had been letting the chicks out and they were foraging for food behind the coop.  We were sitting on the deck and out of nowhere a large red tailed hawk swooped down at the chicks.  Most of them ran, but poor Mohawk didn’t run.  Mohawk: “Huh, where did everybody go?”

Lesson learned.  It’s too soon to let them out.

I think the hawk is going to be the most formidable opponent to our chickens.  We want to let our roosters grow up as we have read that while a red tailed hawk might attack a full sized hen, it would have to eat it on the ground.  The roosters would attack the hawk.  So it might be a deterrent.  The other option is to make a chicken run but we really want to free range them.  We hope that when the chickens are full size, the hawks won’t prey on them (often).  I might need to scare them off with some firecrackers and other assorted toys (R/C airplane?).

We did get a few roosters and one that is a Jersey Giant and should grow to 10lbs +.  Google them, they are HUGE birds.  I mean…Huge.  Hopefully it isn’t too mean to

Chicks Chillin
Chicks Roosting in the Coop (Chicken guessers, what breed is the front chicken?(hint: 5 toes)

All in all things are shaping up as we planned and we are having a lot of fun in the process.  We have lots of mangoes falling on the roof of the cabana and can’t wait until they are fully ripe so we can start eating them!  Spring in the tropics is much like the warmest days back in CO except that you will never be surprised by a random winter blizzard.

We bought a lawn mower to help keep things under control.  I do think I’ll need a riding mower someday but we will see how it goes.

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Ag Fair in Mayaguez =4 More in the Flock

There was an agricultural fair going on in Mayaguez this past week and our neighbor who is a student there encouraged us to meet him there and check it out. It was really fun and right up our alley. They had lots of exotic plant vendors, the USDA, and other agricultural organizations. They also had farm animals in one of the tents as well as fair food and crafts.

Ag Fair in Mayaguez

Univ of Mayaguez Pigs

I was like a kid in a candy store and was so excited about all the different plants and animals. We picked up a large lime tree that was already producing limes. We also saw a huge pen full of dyed baby chicks that they were selling for $2.

Colored chicks

The practice of dyeing chicks colors is generally safe as long as they use food grade dyes. However, there are some concerns  about the practice most notably that people often will buy a baby chick like this as a novelty item not intending to actually raise the chicken and so they get thrown away. We didn’t buy any but it was pretty tempting especially at that price.

Our friends, however, also visited the fair and they knew we were set up for chickens, so they bought four of them and played with them for the day and then brought them to us. They are so small especially compared with our now 6 week old chickens. We weren’t sure how they would work all together adding in such young ones, but they are fine! Because there are some older pullets in the flock that are watching out for them, we don’t even need to put them under a heat lamp. They just huddle under the older birds’ feathers at night.

Colorful chicks
Our friends named them already: Grinch, Tanner and Smurf shown here. Also not shown is another one called Black Eyed Peep.

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