Author Archives: admin

Being an Admin Sucks

I just spent like at least an hour and a half to come to the conclusion that DocumentRoot “C:/xampp/htdocs/” needs to be that EXACTLY. If its anything else it…does not work.

I agree with Cassie: Mondays are tough. On the plus side I got to ride my bike and I did drink beer AND you are reading this so it worked in the end. My MP3 player quit working too…Im sure I’ll fix it..

Hot Day

Today is another hot summer day in Colorado. Britton and I went for a bike ride today. I also worked in the greenhouse and garden.  Britton mowed the lawn. When I was in the greenhouse I stepped on a poor toad. I thought I killed him, he turned over on his back and looked very dead. When I nudged him with my shoe he jumped back to life and into the foliage of the greenhouse.