Tag Archives: Rincon

Easter, Spring Time, Deck Rails, and More!

The kiddo’s first Easter

We have had a busy few last weeks. We’ve been working on the farm with a lot of guests staying with us. We are in process of building the deck railings so that Aeden doesn’t fall off, clearing and planting more and keeping up with the flower orders. We also had a really nice Easter with friends and have generally been enjoying ourselves.

Fun times on Easter

The fam

More flowers for the garden. We’ll see how this rose grows.

Clearing more paths thru the gardens/jungle

Lots of mowing in the meadow area now that it’s raining more

Lots of flowers in bloom like these heliconias

And gingers

The iguanas are nuts! They keep eating our mulberries and hibiscus. Thankfully they don’t eat heliconias or gingers or we’d be really po’d

Britton has had some time with Aeden alone while I take a French class down by Lala’s beach/La Mojonera

You can’t take a French class and not get a glass du vin with your new copains!

Working on painting and installing the railings at the cabin

More rails! Like almost 200!

Cabin before rails

Working with Roberto on the install

Coming together nicely!

Torch ginger! One of my faves!

Walking through the jungle to the cabin in the rain

Parenting is a team effort! (Thanks Laura for this great picture)

Aeden is a joy to be with most of the time!

Sunset at Cofresi with the classic Pirata drinks!

And a ride in a golf cart

Sunsets over the Caribbean still don’t get old

Still working on the whole photogenic thing with Aeden -haha

He’s getting there though (and notice the rails coming along?)!

Our first avocado flower buds on trees we planted about 5/6 years ago! And a bee working on the quenepas! Could be a productive August/September!

Which is good, because Aeden is a comelon (likes to eat). Both breastmilk and baby food now!

Fun pool party at Keith and Linda’s boutique guesthouse (Casa D’Palma)

Our water baby, Aeden, was totally blissed out

Pomarrosas in bloom, Esperanza bug, hanging out in downtown Rincon

Farmer’s Market in Rincon every Sunday!

A Mariachi Singer in San Sebastian’s Pulguero (Random note: people seem to LOVE Mexican music here, there was so much cheering and “ay, ay, ay que viva Mexico” I had to laugh it was so fun!)

We saw a huge bee swarm as we were leaving the house. Good to see the bees are alive and well at least around here!

Aeden having fun steering the shopping cart at Selectos in Aguada

We took a ride in an old Model A from Missy’s neighbor, Gerardo! So fun!

Aeden didn’t know what was up!

Well that’s it for now! Chao with lovely plumerias in bloom once again

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Rincon’s Growing Pains -Mega Hotels, Infrastructure and More

One of Rincon’s famous sunsetsLa ciudad de los bellos atardeceres

Rincon for better and worse has become a special hot spot on the island of Puerto Rico. It is a relatively (for now) unspoiled surfing haven known for lots of beaches, snorkeling and the most lovely sunsets. Unlike many cities and towns, it has a thriving tourism economy and the secret is out about its beauty and unique, laid back ways. With this, of course, comes a lot of interest from all corners of the globe. When people from the states visit, they often look at the prices in comparison and think, “Wow, that’s a lot more affordable. Wouldn’t it be great to live there?” (We did!) As this continues to happen, Rincon struggles to keep up. Here are some of the themes of Rincon’s growing pains. Many of these issues intermingle, but at its core is change! And change is often hard!

Beware of Falling Almonds and Iguanas! Rincon

Unlike in other parts of the country, gentrification in this case takes a different twist in that it is the minority population (namely mainland Americans) buying up large swathes of property and changing the character (and cost) of the area. For many years this has been slow and steady and just part of Rincon as “gringolandia” but as it continues to gain steam, many locals are selling out and the feel has changed quite a bit. When this happens there can be an ugly backlash and resentment that people cannot even afford to live in their own town. And this is not without merit either. Rincon has the highest concentration of Airbnb rental units in the Caribbean and it makes much more financial sense to rent out units short term than long to locals. Prices in general are much higher in Rincon than even in the neighboring towns of Anasco and Aguada and we often find ourselves shopping or eating out of town for this reason.

A snippet of a social media conversation about a “gringo” threatening the driver of a (very LOUD, very early) speaker truck

Horses in a truck

Changing Identity and the Old Ways Vs the New
Rincon is still a small town. There are only about 15,000 residents total, with maybe 1,000 full-time “gringos.” It may feel like more, but that is because it often gets crowded with visiting tourists. These people don’t live here though. Still, this contributes to the sentiment that Rincon is “getting taken over” by “Americanos” or that it is “lost” to the gringos. (I have heard these comments myself.) It is still a rural country town, but with the changing times and demographics (and yes, gentrification) some of the identity is changing too. Some people want the loud speaker trucks to go away. Some are glad cockfighting is now illegal (in a shady Federal deal done without the knowledge or input of Puerto Rico). Even taking your dog or horse to the local chinchorro is getting cracked down upon. More and more stray dogs and cats get spayed and neutered. Where it was once the “wild west” of Puerto Rico, it is now much more controlled and calm (though still wild by state standards).

Random street jam in Rincon

It is also changing its identity to be more modern and hip(ster). This is both an influence from the states as well as Puerto Rico’s larger areas in general. There are gastroparks, tons of coffee shops, yoga galore and an oil to water look of “gringos” in swimsuits or shorts and flip-flops walking around (if any shoes at all) and local Puerto Ricans in collared shirts, pants and shoes. There are also many people of both cultures sporting long beards and man-buns. Rincon, in particular, especially flavors the ‘granola’ culture of all things natural and organic. Many local Puerto Ricans are not against this and it usually blends well with the agricultural, laid back attitude here.

Horse tied up outside a grocery store in Mayaguez

Community turnout for questions/protests of the Blue Water Project -credit Jim Crotty/FB

Marina Beach won’t be the same if there is a huge hotel

Rapid Growth/Large-Scale Projects
One of the most recent and controversial projects is the Blue Water Casino and Hotel that is projected/proposed to be built in the Rincon Marina area. This is an especially fragile area to build because it is right next to the Tres Palmas Marine Reserve and would be the first casino in Rincon. Many fear it would change the identity of Rincon permanently for the worse. People are mobilizing to fight this behemoth with signage, campaigns to politicians and even (ironically?) using the speaker trucks around town to play this song.  And one of biggest issues with this project is that Rincon’s infrastructure can hardly handle the current growth rate, let alone what a Mega Hotel is likely to bring to the town.

Signs like these are posted all over Rincon right now

During tourist season (winter months) there always seems to be a jump in crime. Criminals take advantage of naive tourists who leave expensive items like cameras, phones and even purses in their cars as they go out to enjoy themselves at restaurants or the beach and break in and steal these items (and sometimes even the car itself). The infrastructure, including the police resources, has not grown in step with the needs of the community to help solve these crimes. So instead, the overwhelmed municipal government passed a law against parking in the dark! Instead of actually dealing with the criminal behavior, they made the victims the criminals for going out in the first place! Talk about bad policy in action. And yet, the casino rolls full steam ahead.


Lack of Resources/Poor Infrastructure esp in Puntas
Overall, nearly all of these issues could be handled with the proper infrastructure and planning. But that is just not going to happen until the money is allocated there. The roads are pitted with potholes, there are not enough police or fire resources, some electrical lines have not been repaired since Maria and there is now water rationing due to the damage to the Guajataca Dam. What’s more is that the most expensive, desirable -and arguably gentrified- neighborhood in Rincon, Puntas, still has some of the most frequent water and power outages on the island. The residents have banded together to try to form their own initiative to bring consistent water to the area. You can read about the issue here, A Rinconvenient Truth.

It may look nice, but it has insidious implications on the town

National Promotions -Coca Cola
And last, but not least, is a sign of the times when Coca Cola has bought out most of Rincon with its promotions. Many businesses were approached as part of a music festival weekend to film a commercial. Their business would be featured and they would even get new signs (letreros) and swag (T-shirts, in-store promotions, coolers, etc). It would cost nothing. All they had to do was go along with the fun. Unfortunately, this is the standard playbook of the tobacco industry. The soft drink industry is under tremendous pressure to stay normalized because even one can of soda is now considered to have more than the healthy limit of added sugars. What is more, Puerto Ricans have already struggled with an overweight and diabetes epidemic and this only adds fuel to the fire.  And while Coca Cola has always had a presence in Puerto Rico, it has never been so blatant as painting murals and buying out businesses in the past as it has often done in places like Mexico. I hope it is not a sign of things to come where the town becomes completely bought out by corporate and big-money interests at the cost of the individual people.

Gas stations and even the smallest food stop were tagged by Coke

Overall, Rincon has many challenges to overcome from these issues as it develops its identity even through these growing pains. One hopes that its character doesn’t transform so much that we lose the Rincon that we know and love, while allowing for smart growth to accommodate the evolving times and demographics. Change will happen whether we like it or not, but we all can help guide it to be healthy, cooperative and beautiful! Good job to all the residents and visitors who care enough about Rincon to help it become its best!

Enjoying a nice brunch at the English Rose in Rincon

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Around the Finca, Moca, Festival de Chinas, Isabela and More

Aeden is too cool for photos

Whew. Lots to update. We have been doing a variety of projects around the farm including finding new plants and building a new staircase into the jungle. When we’re not working on the farm or cleaning or repairing the cabana or cabin, we go out into the world and try to find new adventures. We like to stay around the west side because we can make a day trip out of it and still get back by dark to keep to Aeden’s sleep schedule. Here are a few moments caught on camera recently.

Another beachy day in Rincon – Playa Lala is now a favorite here

Fun at Villa Cofresi with the babe

From eggs we came to eggs we sit

Isabela, PR with the moon and all

We filled one of our largest single orders of flowers!

I love making the bouquets

Aeden has many adoptive aunts and uncles like Carlos and Maribel from the market

Photo bombed by a cow and a bird 🙂

Cool church in Moca

Just chillin’, kickin’ back on Mom’s lap

Aeden’s making his mark! In the new cement stairs!

Lots of hard work!

Silly boys at the beach

First time in a swing! He’s getting so big!

He has even gone swimming, underwater!

And had his first real bath -in the kitchen sink!

Cool leaves on a plant. I think this is a rattlesnake flower

Our monstera plant fruited!

Immature and mature monstera fruit! Tasted like pineapple and banana with a slight bite. You have to be careful not to eat them immature or it will burn your mouth.


Our prettiest ginger yet!

The Festival de la China was a bit of a bust! Super rainy!

I thought it was funny they were selling oranges in onion bags though!

And I was amazed at the variety of oranges (and bananas) one can grow

Aloha! A fun day in Isabela

Britton and Aeden in Isabela

Family fun

Two cuties

“Still round the corner there may wait a new road or a secret gate”

This little guy melts my heart!

We walked this LOOONG boardwalk in Isabela -windy, hot and dry but very beautiful. Would be a great bike ride

Fun with friends from Colo. It’s weird to “remember when.” It seems so long ago now

This just happened. I always call him my little monster and then I saw this onesie at the flea market and I was wearing basically the same thing and then we ate at an El Meson that had this colored wall. Serendipity-do-dah!

Latest update from the farm about baby Aeden (on the new stairs!)

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Living Abroad: Our Life Recently Around Western Puerto Rico

Having fun at Villa Montana in Isabela on Valentine’s Day

Raising a baby takes a lot of the extra time I might be writing a post and puts it onto him. So please forgive all the photos and lack of text, but I just wanted to get a flavor of the times as we have been out and about in western Puerto Rico these last few weeks.

Visiting La Playuela, Wilderness and Pena Blanca in Aguadilla

La Playuela was considered for a mega hotel and a lot of protesting has (thankfully) stalled/ended it. It is such a cool area

Pena Blanca is just down from it

Cliffside beaches and coves

Save La Playuela

Like a throwback to a different time

Out to lunch at Tamboo in Rincon. Tuesday is Mexican food day! My fave!

Britton and Aeden at Tamboo

Fun at the lighthouse in Rincon

Lighthouse Park, Rincon

Fun at Sandy Beach

Another turkey girl hatched out some chicks!

Steps Beach babes! 🙂

Working on building another staircase into the jungle with friend Chris

Turkey and chicken inspectors

Lots and lots of wagneriana heliconias!

We’ve had great sales at the market on Sundays! It’s been fun to share the fruits (and flowers) of our labors

We like to go out to lunch/brunch after the market – Gastropark in Rincon

Britton and Aeden at the gastropark

Another fave restaurant is Picoteo in Anasco- check out that overlook!

February is about as cold as it will get to put baby A in clothes! 🙂

February has also been especially smoky! Lots of burning going on. (Check out the hillside behind me in this pic)

More hillside fires in the distance combating pica pica generally

Since things aren’t growing as fast we can work on some projects like clearing the paths of old fallen trees from Maria

Cutting a path through the jungle of the property to the backside of the cabin

Beach break at the Marina -a social and fun playa

Having fun shopping with the bebo -haha

Happy Baby yoga pose

Taking Aeden out for strolls has been a new development since he can hold his head up now

He is such a doll and loves being outside with us

Well that’s a lot of life in a few pictures. Life has been rolling forward. With a baby we notice it a lot more! Every day is precious. Here’s Aeden’s 5 month update.

We were also featured in another news program about people from Colorado who have moved all over the globe -Puerto Rico, South Korea, Tunisia and Vietnam. It’s called “Living Abroad” and I think it does a pretty good job of capturing the essence of our life here. I am not sure I would call it “abroad” exactly, but it is hard to describe the move from the states here any other way. And like this sign says of all these choices: Rincon is the best place to live!

Rincon el mejor lugar para vivir!

Living Abroad from Jeremy Hubbard on Vimeo.


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