Monthly Archives: January 2020

10 Reasons We LOVE Puerto Rico

Survival Beach, Aguadilla Puerto Rico

We have been enjoying ourselves this winter season in Puerto Rico even with the scary earthquakes we’ve been having. Whenever there is extreme weather, catastrophes or other issues about Puerto Rico in the news, we have people question our reasons for living in Puerto Rico. So I thought I would make a list of the top 10 reasons we moved to Puerto Rico and continue to LOVE living here.

So I made a video about the ten reasons, and you can check it out here.

The Top Ten Reasons We LOVE Puerto Rico

1) Food and Tropical Produce
2) Gardening Year Round
3) Tropical Climate
4) Explorations and Adventures
5) Beaches and Sea Life
6) The People
7) Culture and Traditions
8) Mixed Language and Customs
9) Simple, Less Costly Lifetstyle
10) Self-Propelled, Free Life

Recently, we have been enjoying a lot these reasons. We have gone on a variety of adventures including to a new waterfall in San Sebastian which was absolutely breathtaking. We finally found Survival Beach and we even went out on a boat (Taino Divers) and saw whales breaching for us! Life is truly magical here. Remember to subscribe and ring the bell on our YouTube Channel for daily life updates and adventures and like the videos if you do! It helps us stay motivated to keep creating if we know people are into it! Also, let us know if there is a topic you’d like us to cover!

Survival Beach hike

At Survival Beach

The Hunt for El Saltillo! We found it!

Whale Watching Boat Trip with friend Berkley

Fun with the kiddo!

So amazing to see these animals up close in their natural habitat!

Our flower business is doing well! Lots of collaborations for weddings and individual sales too!

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Major Earthquakes in Puerto Rico (and our Trip to See the Damage)

Puerto Rico was dealt yet another major blow when it was hit by a series of major earthquakes in the southwestern region of the island especially Guanica and Guayanilla and then later other cities including Ponce. The first major event occurred on the morning of Three Kings and destroyed a beautiful geological landmark as well as the front wall to the old Lighthouse in Guanica and collapsing a couple of houses. We felt that one and it was pretty scary.

We were just at this site in August!
(sourced from FB)

I am so sad we never saw this wonder in person! (Source FB)

The next day at about 4:25am we were abruptly awoken from a sound sleep with the house jumping up and down. It felt even bigger and seemed to last forever. Since we were already rattled from the one before and reading all the news of the damage, we got a little nervous because we knew it would certainly be bigger and cause more damage. That one knocked out the power (and it stayed out for about 2 days).

Ready for survival life once again. Solar lights, gas can, generator and a hose shower

Soon reports and photos were coming in of pretty major damage throughout the entire region. We weren’t sure if we should leave to see the damage or stay home and ration since there were lines at the gas stations and grocery stores much as during the hurricane days, but we took a leap. We couldn’t stay at home another day just waiting. We headed out on the road to see what we would find. It was much worse than I expected, and yet sometimes there were nearly identical buildings and one was just fine and the other completely destroyed. Here is our account in photo and video documentation.

Beautiful old church in Guayanilla

It was so damaged you could see the cathedral from the outside

Near the coast in Guanica

House falls and smashes car in Guayanilla

Modern style house completely on its side

We saw at least 5 electrical transformers on the ground

Three story school in Guanica, Agripina de Seda was reduced to only two stories!

Help was arriving on the scene to provide resources and clean up

But there is a lot to clean up

Lower level is completely gone in this house

Adding the threat of tsunami must have been terrifying to residents

As well as landslides

Here in Rincon we lived in survival mode for a while, but the power just recently came back and there is no obvious damage to any buildings. Unfortunately for the towns down south, a full recovery will likely take much longer. Additionally, one of the main power plants to the island was located there and sustained major damage and which will continue to affect all of us on the island. Please help in any way, including continuing to visit Puerto Rico.

UPDATE: We were without power and water on and off for about a week after this occurred, but are now back pretty much to normal though we still feel some tremors. Unfortunately for people down south, some have lost their homes and some still are terrified to return. There are many ways to help and to donate for this and future disasters. Please see the video for a list of many organizations that are helping.

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