Monthly Archives: June 2012

Selling our Garden Bounty

One thing we love to do in Colorado and that we are excited to try in Puerto Rico, is growing things and selling them. I sell our chicken eggs to a friend year round and I have some other people who like to buy them from time to time in the summer months when we get 5-6 eggs a day (or almost 3 dozen a week!). But when all of our plants start coming in, we also like to sell those, or the fruits from them.

At the Greeley Farmer’s Market a few years back (Selling tropical plants, but of course!)

We used to sell some of our plants at the Greeley Farmer’s Market, but now they require all sorts of expensive insurance and crap, so small backyard growers like us have been pushed out. But there is one great marketplace still around: Craigslist! We love Craigslist and use it to buy things we may need and we list our rentals as well as things around our house and from our garden and greenhouse.

One of our comfrey plants

Tomatoes and lots of other plants in the greenhouse this year

We are finishing up with the strawberry season at our house, but had a bumper crop this year!

Just tonight we sold some tomato plants that were overtaking our greenhouse floor. We also have some people interested in buying some of our comfrey plant crowns. We love doing it. I like writing up the descriptions and waiting for people to contact me. Britton is good at digging up plants and making them look good. Selling our garden bounty feels more like fun than work! We would be working in the garden anyway and so when we get paid to do it and we see how happy people are with our plants, it makes us all the more pleased.

For instance, the woman who bought our plants tonight had had all of hers torn apart when we had that hail storm a few days ago, so she was super excited to be able to start her tomato garden up again -and for way less than it would be to replace them with plants from Home Depot or a nursery.

Britton says lately he has been having dreams of planting an acre or so of our land in Rincon with rows of pepper plants. I am not sure how well peppers grow there, but I would imagine fairly good. And in Rincon, we would still be able to sell them -and eggs, palm trees, coconuts, mangoes, etc, etc- at the Farmer’s Market! There’s so much opportunity everywhere you look. We are really excited and summers in Colorado make us all the more ready to live a summer-lifestyle year-round.

At the Rincon Farmer’s Market

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Greeley Blues Jam 2012

We look forward to the Greeley Blues Jam every summer. We’ve actually never been to the full concert series on the Saturday of the Jam, but the Friday night before, they bring all the bands to various bars and restaurants in downtown and let people listen for free!

So we rode our bikes from our house and stopped at my mom’s house and asked if she and her companion, Anthony, wanted to ride with us down there.

With my mom and friend Shana

We walked around a bit and every few steps we ran into someone else we knew. It was pretty cool to see so many people out in Greeley.

Britton talking with a couple friends

It was also the first time they had “go cups” where you could walk around the cordoned off areas with alcoholic drinks and wander into other bars with them. It reminded me a lot of New Orleans with all the music, people and drinks. Well, a little more controlled and less rowdy than New Orleans, and no zydeco but I think it went really well.

Street performance

It was a party atmosphere and even though we didn’t even sit and listen to too many of the bands, I’d say it was one of our favorite Blues Jams yet.

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Fire in the Sky

Summer brings out a lot more excitement in Colorado (not counting those huge snow storm blizzards). Everything comes alive and we get some pretty crazy weather and fires in the mountains. These last couple of days we’ve had both! We had a huge thunderstorm come through that dropped enough hail on Eaton, a town about 5 miles from here, that some people had to bring out their snow shovels! But here, we just had a cool light show with a little hail and rain.

To the west heading up the mountains towards the Poudre Canyon in Larimer County about 30 miles away from us, there have been some pretty big fires. Right now there is one that has consumed some 5000 acres. Here in Greeley we can see the huge plume of smoke and it leaves an eerie, but beautiful red sunset. While all this weather and natural events keep things exciting, we hope everyone stays safe out there!

Out our back porch…It looks like a cloud, but that’s fire smoke!

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