Daily Archives: September 4, 2013

Kitty Bought His Ticket to Rincón!

I went in the bedroom today and I saw something odd.  Kitty had most of his belongings packed in a suitcase!

Kitty Pack
Kitty Packing His Stuff

I asked him why he was packing and he responded that he had called up United Airlines and booked a one way ticket to paradise.  He was going to be missing out on the upcoming winter and was pretty excited about it.  He also bought Cassie and I tickets.  Which means that we are going to be closing out our contest!

I guess he really does love us and his day trading has paid off!

Kitty Leave
Kitty All Packed up!

We are all set to fly out on….well, I will leave that a secret for a bit longer.   We have a few things to finish up and are going to have a party at our place on the 21st.  By then most if not all of our stuff will be out of the house and we will be headed to Puerto Rico soon after!

Gracias, Gatito!

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