Daily Archives: October 7, 2012

Gleaning and Cleaning

The weather dipped below freezing last night and so our beautiful greenhouse jungle turned into a limp mess of blackened smushy tomato, squash and cucumber plants. So today, now that the weather has improved, we decided to clean out the greenhouse and glean all the veggies from the dead vines.

Here Britton and the eager chickens get to work

Britton in the process with a watchful Kitty

Some of our find: cucumbers, carrots, lots of tomatoes, peppers, and squash

Spaghetti Squash from our garden. Funny story…the whole time it was growing we thought it was a freaky watermelon! 😉

Pretty chickens in the yard

Kitty in the littered yard. One of our chickens, Henrietta, is molting along with the trees

Schnoodle, Kitty, Britton and chickens -in the greenhouse- after cleaning it out

In addition to cleaning out the greenhouse, we also started the multi-phase task of cleaning out our closets. I started with my clothes since I have way more than Britton.

Pile of clothes that I sorted in the basement on a cold day

Pile of clothes ready for Goodwill

Even though this pile of clothes looks impressive, it barely scratched the surface on the amount of clothes I will have to sort through before we move.



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