Daily Archives: September 16, 2012

Surprises from the Greenhouse

It’s getting to be that time once again where we need to move all the happy tropical plants from the humid, wet and hot greenhouse back inside for the winter. Tropical plants can’t live below about 40 degrees F, and so we have to bring them in to the climate-controlled fake tropical space we create around here in our house for the winter.

When Britton started taking the citrus, pomegranates and pineapple plants in he also brought in the coffee tree. To our surprise, the little red berries had lost their skin and fruit pulp and so the bean seed started sprouting! (We saw the rolly-pollies at work on the red fruit pulp earlier.) So cool!

Coffee bean sprout

The coffee bean sprouts are awesome!

We went to the store and found the perfect pot for the coffee sprouts!

After moving out the potted plants, he was also able to get a little deeper into the greenhouse and found all these cucumbers! Surprise! Guess what we will be eating for snack for the next week!

A sink full of huge cucumbers

If the greenhouse is any indication of what we’ll get in Puerto Rico (which I think it is because of it’s consistent humidity and water) then we will be in for some fantastic gardening!


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