Daily Archives: May 1, 2012

Did Kitty Have a Run-In with Bugs Bunny?

Last night we were feeding Kitty and noticed that he seemed a little slower and dopey. We took him inside and looked at him. His left eye was slightly swollen and the top of his head looked like it had a big goose-egg on it. We are not sure what happened to him, but we gave him a tiny amount of aspirin and let him sleep inside in case it was a run-in with another cat. Sometimes we hear cats fighting and hissing in our neighborhood, but it could have been something else altogether.

Kitty’s Lump

In fact, he is so lumpy now, it could have been Bugs Bunny (how many lumps do you want?). ha! Hopefully he starts feeling better soon or we might have to take him into the vet.


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Los Deportes

Today’s Spanish tip will be all about different sports and physical activity.

Los deportes –Sports
Actividad física-Physical Activity
Ejercicios aeróbicos-Aerobic Exercises
Leventar pesas-Lift weights
Campo deportivo-Sports field
Baloncesto o básquetbol- Basketball
Cancha– Court (like tennis or basketball)
Ganar la copa –Win the cup
Tenis- Tennis
Bolinche– Bowling
Fútbol americano– football
Beisbol- Baseball
Vólibol– Volleyball
Sudor- Sweat
Sudar- To sweat
Correr- To Run
Bailar– to Dance
Saltar/Brincar -To Jump
Brinca-brinca– Trampoline
Pelota– Ball
Pelotear– Kick (a ball around)
Patear– Kick (someone)
Patinar– Skate
Caminar-To walk
Caminata– A walk
Esquiar- To ski
Nadar- To swim
Bucear- To dive (to go diving)
Cuerda de saltar– Jumprope
Boxeo– Boxing
Músculos– Muscles
Diversión/Divertido– Fun
Saludable- Healthy

 ¿Y cuál es tu deporte favorito? Los mios son nadar, bailar, y caminar.

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