Monthly Archives: February 2011

An Egg Without a Shell!

Britton found an egg in the chicken coop that was frozen solid. When I looked at it a few hours later it was apparent that it had been laid without much of a shell. It is an egg without a shell! This was laid by Omelette who is pretty old for a chicken -probably 3-4 years old. So her eggs aren’t quite as top notch as the younger hens and so she needs oyster shell supplements to help her make hard, solid shells.  But her eggs are MUCH bigger, so we still keep her around. 🙂 Check this shell-less egg out…it’s very weird looking!

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It Came to Me in a Dream

Well I guess it’s as sure as it’s going to get so here is the scoopWe signed a contract to buy a place in Rincon!

A few weeks ago while I was sleeping Jack  (Cassie’s Dad who recently passed) came to me in a dream.  We were in Puerto Rico on a sunny day on top of a hill.  It was on the west side of the island and I could see the ocean from where we were.  I don’t remember all the details about it but a few things stood out. 

  1. Jack was waiting for us in Puerto Rico or already had a place.
  2. The house reminded me of playground equipment for some reason.
  3. The place had an ocean view.

When I woke up I told Cassie about the dream.  I had been waiting for Jack to visit me in my dreams and he finally did!  I remember telling him something like: “Well if you already had a place in Puerto Rico why didn’t you tell us!!! This would have been so much easier!”

Fast forward a week…Maybe a week and a half.  A Realitor calls me while I am at work.  I met him in PR when I was down there last time and we looked at a property.  He said that the sellers of the property wanted to extend an offer/price.  They knocked $270,000 off of their inital asking price!   Well I told him that I’d have to ask Cassie, but I am pretty sure we would make a deal. 

Here are a few pictures of the place.  I have some video to upload later on too.  There is a main wood house, a small studio concrete guesthouse and 4 acres of land.

This place meets nearly all of Cassie and my criteria.  It is a perfect compromise really.  It has some land to move around/build on, it’s located in Rincon and it’s affordable.   We really like Rincon because it will be an easier transition to move to, there is the possibility of making our own rental/vacation home business there, and there is a lot of great events and things going on. When I looked at this place before I didn’t take it too seriously because they were asking so much.

The house is a wood treated place which is good and bad.  It’s good because we will have a place to stay while we are down there.  It’s bad becasue we are planning to eventually take it down and put up a concrete house of our choosing.  I like this though because it is more of a ‘pay as you go’ option.  We don’t have to take out a major loan, we can design it how we want it and it has something we can use now.

Both of us are SUPER excited about it, and even more certain that it is the right decision.  The down side is that we have a contract on the other place near Isabela.  We are going to break the news to that realitor soon that we had something totally unexpected come up that will prevent us from purchasing that property.   There isn’t much money on the line so it is something that Cassie and I are willing to let go and chalk up to the cost of the other place.

This place in Rincon is going to require a lot of work and improvements to make it what we want.  That’s fine though.  We are looking forward to the challenge (as we’ve done before with our rentals)! And in the mean time, we can enjoy the sunset over the ocean from our literal dream home in the tropics- which will make it all the more worthwhile.

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Schnoodle Gets a Shave

Poor Schnoodle. She is so old and shaggy. My mom got Schnood from the shelter in 1998 where she was called Nicky (since then she’s had many a name). She was a full grown dog, albeit a fairly young dog. So even if she were only a year old when she came into our family, she would now be 13-14! That’s pretty old in dog years. I’m not sure of the current conversion rate, but somewhere between 70 and 98 dog years old.

Britton with Schnoodle-Doo in the kitchen

Schnooter Mcgavin has lost most of her teeth, she’s partially blind and mostly deaf. She also has some sort of tumor growing under her arm. But she’s still a happy dog. She sleeps all day long. Looks forward to her food and loves her walks. So, quality of life, I’d say is pretty good for old Noodle.

But one thing she hates is hair cuts. We think maybe our foreign exchange student, Kosei, from a few years ago traumatized Doody when we left him alone with her to bathe and shave. Ever since then she hates scissors. Nickerdoodle hates even being in the same vicinity as scissors. She runs away and turns her head a lot anytime she sees the choppers coming by. Which makes it practically impossible to cut the hair on her head! (Don’t believe me? Try trimming someone’s hair as they wiggle around every time the scissors come remotely close. Seriously, running with scissors is probably safer!)

Schnicker’s not like most dogs who shed, which is a good thing, but also means that her hair just keeps growing, and growing…and growing. Until she looks like a big rastafarian with a mess of matted hair and crusty eyes. So, we finally gave old Doodle a shave. We sat in the greenhouse where it was all warm and the air was still. The chickens were a little mad that we were in their space, and Kitty was very interested in us. Strudlemeister wasn’t happy about it, but she let us cut her after a lot of work. But in the end after a huge pile of hair, she now looks and feels so much better. Schnooters was running around like a happy little puppy with all that hair off.

Still a little shaggy for Snoodles, but mucho mejor!

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Good Food in February

February is a hard month to get through. Even if you have a few nice days, you know that spring is not quite here yet and so there is no sense in doing any yard work. It’s still a little too early to start the seedlings and so all you can do is wait it out. At least the chickens have started laying again and we know spring is around the corner.

So with all this inside time, we’ve been cooking up some really good food!

We’ve had Mexican food night with tacos and burritos filled with seasoned lean natural beef, refried beans, sliced red bell peppers, jalapeños, lettuce, cheese, whole wheat tortillas from a local Mexican food shop, avocado slices and greek yogurt (same great taste as sour cream with more protein and no fat! I highly recommend it!)

Britton enjoying his Mexican food meal

We’ve also made chicken with mushrooms, a veggie mix, cous cous and sliced oranges.

Chicken dinner

I’ve been working as an interpreter with a nutritionist at work and she’s been teaching people the “plate method”. This chicken dinner is a great example of this. Take a small plate (this is a salad plate), fill half with vegetables (the mixed veggies, mushrooms and oranges), one forth with a starch (cous cous) and one forth protein (chicken breast). Tastes great and good nutrition to boot!

Our weekends are our favorite for food because we can lazily sleep in and then make a great breakfast. Britton had been making some fantastic pancakes, and so I thought waffles would be really good continuation of this. We didn’t have a waffle iron, however. So we went down to a thrift store on their 50% off day and picked one up for about $4! Now we’ve been eating waffles every weekend (and sometimes I’ll have one for lunch if we have leftover batter).

Waffle with strawberries, blueberries and our chicken’s egg

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